Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow in Portland

Woke up this morning at 8:00am, and saw a winter wonderland outside my apartment window. Great, it finally snowed in Portland, Oregon. Decided to take some pictures to show you since its not an everyday thing that snow drops out of the sky during Christmas season on Saipan. Now I have to get ready soon for work and get on the road early so I can catch the morning traffic to endure a long 30 minute drive while speeding at only 25mph. Better safe than sorry. On my journey while gripping the wheel tighly with two hands due to high winds that could swerve my vehicle in the wrong direction, I saw two accidents that has taken place. Tow trucks, police lights, and an ambulance has arrived at the scene. Pretty typical for a snowy day. First thing that came to my mind was, glad it wasn't me. Then second thing on my mind was do they have car insurance because that sucks and it will cost a lot for a car repair. Oh well, making snow angels are always fun, but driving in snow is never a favorite for anybody. So to be random, if there is one thing that I learned when driving in Saipan, its stay away from telephone/power poles and don't drink and drive.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

D.I.Y. -lighting feature on your digital camera

Besides shooting breathtaking pictures on your digital camera, have ever wondered what else this expensive device could do compared to the once cheap disposable kodak cameras, which is probably now fifteen to twenty some dollars at your local retail stores. I was playing with my digital camera settings and read about the macro part of taking photos with a high resolution mode. Some settings may differ on your camera, but here is a few steps to create whatever image you have in mind. When taking a picture, switch the mode to macro, the one with the M on it. Set the ISO level to 100 and the shutter speed to the highest possible level, ex: 1 to 15 (If I have lost you, then refer to your manual). Next, set your room settings to dark, ex: switch off your lights lol. While taking a picture, you have about 15 seconds to create your masterpiece. You may need any type of LED light to create the effects. After 15 seconds or so, your camera will click and the picture is taken. Fun stuff!