What’s on your mind right now? On any day, you could be thinking randomly about how much stuff needs to be done or taken care off before 5pm.
Who made 5pm a deadline anyway? Maybe it’s based on the theory of what the human body could take on a day to day basis, which is only working 8 hours a day. Some businesses end at 5pm, the work is done for tomorrow and that’s what society thinks. Other time zones are still working after 5pm and some businesses are 24-7. Does this mean they get ahead of everybody? Not really.
Anyway, when you think about being busy and something out of the blue just pops up in your head, something meaningful that will take you away of whatever is important your doing. Then you reminisce and smile, and later, look at your very important work that needs to be out by 5pm. Suddenly, this important work isn't that very important after all. It is just another project that needs to be taken care of at the end of the day. And when it is not in time, nobody will die from it, the hours will still move on and people will still smile.
During your thought process, when you were so busy to the time you thought about something off topic and really enjoyed that timeframe of memory, who were you thinking off? You’re loved ones, friends, events, important days, or years ago from childhood, or randomly someone you don't care about and you thought about them, weird?! Do you feel thinking about this either sets your mood going forward to be more excited, work efficient, or less stressed. Maybe force you to be depressed, have attitudes such as anger, or just plain quiet that does not want to be bothered.
Thinking of thoughts, what am I thinking right now... sounds of water, traveling, beach, woman in bikinis, men in Speedos, and beer. All sounds good, except men in Speedos.
Right now, lunch has arrived. Thinking while I eat, what will I do when the weekend comes?
A few seconds later... I'm thinking of ice cream.
And then...right about now, a split second later... I'm thinking of my father and mother. This seems to stick and linger for a bit as I stare at a water bottle.
Maybe the water bottle is trying to tell me something. The word 'clear' comes to mind. Clear... clear what, Is it clear to me that my parents wanted me to be close by and take care of them.
It becomes cozy and yet a bit emotional, but I'm thinking about them in a good way at this moment. I don't see them daily. I either write or talk to them by technology.
I see them happy, that’s all I need to think about for now.